ExtremeXOS Now Available!
ExtremeXOS has been released! You can view the release notes here. The downloadable files can be found on the Extreme Portal, under Products: 552054205320X435X440-G2X450-G2X460-G2X465X590X62...
ExtremeXOS has been released! You can view the release notes here. The downloadable files can be found on the Extreme Portal, under Products: 552054205320X435X440-G2X450-G2X460-G2X465X590X62...
Field Notice-FN-2023-485 - Cable diagnostics fails on X435 switches via XIQ and CLI after upgrading to EXOS Notice SummaryUsers are unable to run cable diagnostics on X435 switches after upg...
ExtremeXOS has been released. You can view the release notes here. The downloadable files can be found on the Extreme Portal, under Products: 552054205320X435X440-G2X450-G2X460-G2X...