2 weeks ago
XIQ-C fails to obtain an IP address from the DHCP server after the MAC authenticator fails.
As a result, the next step, redirecting to an external captive portal, also cannot proceed.
1. stationEvents.log Output:
12/03/25 12:50:03.816 MBA Rejected 80:07:94:DE:21:47 VGHTCAP Network[VGHTCAP]
12/03/25 12:50:03.816 De-registration 80:07:94:DE:21:47 VGHTCAP Network[VGHTCAP] Cause[Client authentication failed]
Unable to Obtain DHCP IP After Upgrading to XIQ-C 10.x
In XIQ-C 8.x, the following CLI commands were available:
# unauth-behaviour nonauth-policy
# apply
# show unauth-behaviour
What is the problem when the client cannot get an IP?
2 weeks ago
There are a lot of steps to double check.
Go here : https://supportdocs.extremenetworks.com/support/documentation/extremecloud-iq-controller-latest-docu... and follow the steps in the ExtremeCloud IQ Controller version 10.10.01 Deployment Guide