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Access point license count in Netsight

Access point license count in Netsight

New Contributor

We are deploying many sites for one of our customer and we want to add access point (controlled by a V2110) to netsight console for monitoring needs.

In the Netsight Licensing capacity, we have 25 devices and 250 Access point capacity.

When we add an access point to the console (ping_only profile) the device is identified as an access point (device icon with little wave) but when we hit the 26 devices count on the console, the system warn that the license capacity is over.

Controller is managed and discovered by the console and wireless manager so the access point list is known by Netsight.

Do we add the access point with the wrong method ?

Why access points added aren't count from access point license ?

thanks for your reply !

New Contributor
Ok I understand.

if we plan to use local radius authentifcation from AP to NAC Gateway, we will be forced to add ap as device ?

Because its seems that NAC Manager only display device listed in console and not the access point discovered through controller.

When you user site configuration with local RADIUS authentication, the authenticator is moved to the AP, not the controller. (as you can see in the screenshot REN1AIR000x are APs Name)


but it this case, if AP are counted as devices in NMS, the licensing price will be huge (customer got around 300 AP on multiple site)

I hope there is a way to make the AP count from AP license count and use local radius authentication.

We need this design to deliver local authentication (local NAC Gateway& Active Directory) because of multiple factor:
- bad WAN links causing authentication stale or failure
- some remote site with over 2000 users with lot of connection/disconnection (app testing purpose)

You don't need to add APs as device in this case as well.
Wireless controller will act as an authenticator between Radius server and supplicants.

Honored Contributor
You add the controller to the EMC and the APs are then visible in the Wireless tab - with the license you've installed you'd have up to 250APs in this view.

Systems that are listed in the > Network > Devices are counted as a device and use up a device license = don't add APs as a device.
