05-23-2020 10:09 PM
Hi, New to all this, and I dont run our extreme management center environment, but i was hoping someone could help me out.
We have a project related to covid-19 where i need to get all the days “end system events” in a csv daily.
Is there a way to do this? and you can anyone please give me some advice on how to do so?
05-31-2020 12:49 AM
Thanks again Kurt.
Have you seen any issues with scheduling workflow tasks?
I created a workflow and can run it and it runs successfully. When i go to scheduled tasks and try to create a new one, i drop down the type to workflow task, but then the dropdown for “workflow task name” never expands to any values.
UPDATE: Sorry, figured that one out.. You have to hit run from the workflow, then hit save on that window for it to save to Saved Tasks, then it will show up in the drop down.
05-25-2020 03:04 PM
Technically you can achieve that but it is not recommended nor supported. But then agian, I don’t think anyone can prevent you from doing this 😉
Potential issues:
05-25-2020 02:58 PM
Thanks for the info Kurt, that definitely helps. It also saves me time trying to figure out if the APIs could do something like that. Looking at that workflow, it looks like its possible to get access to the MySQL db. What would be any issues or pitfalls with creating another read-only user to the database for outside localhost, then I could just connect directly to the db and query the events I need via any programming script?
05-25-2020 08:19 AM
Hi itsweb,
there is no API on XMC that allows you to retrieve the end-system events. But you can build a Workflow which runs a script on XMC that can access XMC’s DB directly and pull those events. Look at these examples:
There is one workflow called Investigate End-System History
Download it and then upload it to your XMC’s workflows. One of the scripts in this workflows shows you how to query XMC’s DB via SQL.
Hope this helps