Something else to consider is what roaming functionality you want and the design of the network/VLANs. e.g. if you are bridging at the controller, no problem, the same lease continues throughout the wireless network during the roam. If you bridge at the AP, and the local vlan say in switch stack A is different to the local vlan in switch stack B as you wander down the corridor and connect from an AP that is patched to stack A to an AP that is patched to stack B, the client would perform a layer 3 roam, i.e. release and renew the DHCP lease for the new scope. Obviously if you have latency sensitive systems, VoWifi etc this is not good.
A way around this would be to span the same wireless VLANs to all edge switches that connect to the APs. Again depends on the size of the site, but based on your AP counts it sounds like a reasonable sized setup, so would advise against spanning the same VLAN to multiple edge locations as not best practice design.