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Changing from MirrorN to IPFIX in ExtremeWireless

Changing from MirrorN to IPFIX in ExtremeWireless

Valued Contributor

I have an existing integration of EWC and Purview, however I went to use it today and it seems to have stopped working after I upgraded the analytics appliances to a month ago. Some quick debugging hinted that while Netflix and mirrorN traffic was coming through, the appid process wasn't listening on the correct ports for some reason.

I figured it was then a good time to try and migrate to the new IPFIX-based method that doesn't need an L2 port any more. I followed and set the Traffic Mirror L2 Port to None, and set traffic mirror to prohibited in all the VNS/Role configuration, but it's still not working. Anyone know what other configuration I need to set to make it use IPFIX?


I had some similar issues when I upgraded to It took a couple hours with support to figure it out. It turns out that it was a certificate error. I had generated my own certificate from a CA in my environment and NMS was having none of it. By deleting the certificate and going back to the self-signed certificate, Purview was then able to connect.

I also had errors bringing up and of the legacy Java stuff. But I was getting different errors after fixing the cert. And I fixed the Java problem by updating the version of Java installed on my machine.

Extreme Employee
Correct. I wouldn't expect a reboot of Purview would help. Purview, like Console is considered a client machine and neither can connect because of an issue with the EMC server.

Yep, going from EMC to fixed the issue here too. I actuall upgraded the Analytics engine first, but that wasn't enough.

I also found which notes I was wrong to disable the traffic mirror and Netflow, all I needed to do was disable the traffic mirror L2 port.

Hi James,

I have updated my appliances, EMC and Analytics, and I can confirm that the latest update,, I am no longer seeing this issue.