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Changing from MirrorN to IPFIX in ExtremeWireless

Changing from MirrorN to IPFIX in ExtremeWireless

Valued Contributor

I have an existing integration of EWC and Purview, however I went to use it today and it seems to have stopped working after I upgraded the analytics appliances to a month ago. Some quick debugging hinted that while Netflix and mirrorN traffic was coming through, the appid process wasn't listening on the correct ports for some reason.

I figured it was then a good time to try and migrate to the new IPFIX-based method that doesn't need an L2 port any more. I followed and set the Traffic Mirror L2 Port to None, and set traffic mirror to prohibited in all the VNS/Role configuration, but it's still not working. Anyone know what other configuration I need to set to make it use IPFIX?


Extreme Employee

If a restart of the netsight server service does not provide relief check out this article.

Yeah, I've already been through that with GTAC, hence waiting for 8.0.3. Going back to the Purview appliances, I rebooted them as well earlier, no change.

Extreme Employee
Can you still connect to the EMC server with another java client? ie. Console

I can connect to the EMC web interface fine, but in Analytics/Configuration/Overview it looks like this:

I can't connect to the EMC with the fat clients as I have a third-party certificate installed, I'm waiting for 8.0.3 to come out to fix that bug.

Extreme Employee
Hi James,

Does the engine need to be enforced from the EMC server? We would expect these ports to be up and listening and may not appear until an enforce happens.

udp6 0 0 :::2055 :::*
udp6 0 0 :::2075 :::*
udp6 0 0 :::2095 :::*
udp6 0 0 :::161 :::*
