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Could this script interrupt SNMP process and cause high CPU utilization?

Could this script interrupt SNMP process and cause high CPU utilization?

Hello, everybody!

Every morning I get the email from Netsight:

Netsight Critical Alarm: Device Down

Device: (This is a stack of 5 switches)
Severity: Critical
Message: SNMP Contact Lost: No SNMP reply from device caused by SNMP Error: Timeout [4098], last uptime was 10 Days

Could be it caused by these scripts? Especially the last one?

# Module upm configuration.#
create upm profile blackhole1
set var portb 0
set var portb $TCL(string range ${EVENT.LOG_PARAM_0} 36 39)
disable port $portb
create log entry "Port $portb blocked by UPM"
delete var portb
create upm profile mac_move
set var portb1 0
set var portb2 0
set var mac 0
set var portb1 $EVENT.LOG_PARAM_2
set var portb2 $EVENT.LOG_PARAM_3
set var mac $EVENT.LOG_PARAM_0
disable port $portb1
disable port $portb2
create log entry "Port $portb1 and $portb2 was disabled by UPM sript (mac_move), flapping MAC is $mac "
delete var portb1
delete var portb2
delete var mac
create upm profile tftp-save
enable cli scripting
set var CLI.OUT " "
show switch
set var base_list2 $TCL(split ${CLI.OUT} "\n")
set var baseSystemTime $TCL(clock seconds)
set var systemTime $TCL(clock format $baseSystemTime -format {%d.%m.%Y_%H.%M.%S})
set var systemname $TCL(lindex $base_list2 1)
set var systemname $TCL(string replace $systemname 0 17 {})
delete var "CLI.OUT"
#set var filename "$(systemname)_$(systemTime)"
set var filename "$(systemname)"
delete var systemname
#delete var systemtype
delete var systemTime
delete var baseSystemTime
delete var base_list2
upload config cfg/$(filename).cfg VR-Default
delete var filename


Many thanks in advance,



Contributor II
Hello Ilya,

I would suggest you open a GTAC case for this issue.


Hello, Erik!

Many thanks for your reply!

I am not sure whether it works at all... Now I check its start time. But I sure that its start time matches the fail time of SNMP.

I have investigated this morning that if I try to archive configuration on this switch with Netsight inventory tool, it begin endless uploading the configuration file. It uploads the configuration again and again, the same file. I can delete it, and it copied again.

I've selected 3 switches, two copied its confs as it should be, and this one - went to endless cycle.

I wait for "show upm timer" and "show upm history" outputs from the customer at the moment. Hope, I will have additional information soon.

Thank you!

Contributor II
Hi Ilya,

how long does the TFTP upload take? Does this run at the same time as the SNMP errors occur?

That script might cause the timeouts.



there're too many UPM events queued here, that can certainly cause problems. You should disable it first, to empty the queue and try to find what is not working in your case. Do a detailed view of one of the event to try to see the issue (why it fails).