As you can see below the notification email is not including a device name which really eliminates a lot of the benefit to getting the notification. I was able to find the trap comming in and the source is reported.

Is the problem that the trap is coming from a different IP than the one used to discover the device?If that is the problem how do I make the trap come from the devices Network Mgmt address. Please don't confuse this with a Mgmt address which i know is on a separate VR. This stack is the building router so it has multipule IPs the one being reported in the trap is the OSPF point to point VLAN. Thanks,
-----Alarm Message-----
Sent: 10/10/2017 05:18:56 PM
Subject: NetSight Error Alarm: Stack Member Status change
Severity: Error
Message: Extreme Stack Member Status Changed, Slot ID 6 Slot Operational Status down(2)
-----Alarm Message-----
Sent: 10/10/2017 05:19:11 PM
Subject: NetSight Error Alarm: Fan Failure
Severity: Error
Message: Fan Failure at (363226100) 42 days, 0:57:41.00 ExtremeXOS (Stack) version by release-manager on Thu Mar 30 08:59:03 EDT 2017 fan number 601
-----Alarm Message-----
Sent: 10/10/2017 05:19:11 PM
Subject: NetSight Error Alarm: Fan Failure
Severity: Error
Message: Fan Failure at (363226100) 42 days, 0:57:41.00 ExtremeXOS (Stack) version by release-manager on Thu Mar 30 08:59:03 EDT 2017 fan number 602