Hello Safaa,
For MAC-to-IP resolution you need some features to run on your network. Depending on your hardware, those can be:
- EXOS/EOS - Nodealias,
- EXOS or other routing instances - Bootprelay/DHCP Relay (with Extreme Access Control being a destination along with the real DHCP, EAC will do DHCP Snooping to learn the addresses),
- EXOS - Identity Management (works the smoothest IMHO),
- Generic - IPNetToMedia MIB table (ARP cache) on edge switch or more likely a gateway router (has to be in XMC),
- RADIUS Accounting if Framed-IP-Address is supported from the authenticator device (switch/AP/controller) with EAC as a RADIUS Accounting target,
- Static mappings.
I'd recommend DHCP Relay and IDM in first try.
Assuming you have EXOS devices, you can find details on configuration in EXOS User Guide and here:
Health needs Assessment enabled and it's also licensed additionally. Do you have IA-PA-XX licenses or XMC evaluation license?
Could you please show the fingerprint screenshot with obfuscated sensitive data like username here?
Hope that helps,