11-15-2024 09:39 AM
ExtremeCloud IQ – Site Engine is now live on Extreme Portal, and available to our customers and partners.
Online documentation = https://emc.extremenetworks.com/
Offline documentation = http://documentation.extremenetworks.com/netsight/XIQ-SE/24.10.11/XIQ-SE_24.10.11_Doc_Collection_Nov...
Release Notes PDF = https://documentation.extremenetworks.com/release_notes/netsight/XIQSE/XIQSE_24.10.11_Release_Notes....
Sincerely yours!
12-04-2024 02:03 AM
I have just upgraded to this release in our test lab and have found the following issue:
Way, way back when xiq-se was called xmc we imported the "ipaddress" module to use in the scripting and workflows:
:/usr/local/Extreme_Networks/NetSight/jython/bin$ ./pip install ipaddress
as the migration to this release requires the creation a new build of xiq-se before migrating the old machine across, not surprisingly the "ipaddress" module is not migrated. However the the above pip install command fails:
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement ipaddress (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for ipaddress
unfortunately we have created a fair few scripts using the ipaddress module. I understand this is probably not supported, buyt does anyone know a work around?
Thanks in advance,