If you're talking about self-services (where students open the self-service URL), then the actual provisioner name of that particular self-service is the same.
So, in the case of the following self-service configurations, I've created two Self-Service provisionsers, "selfserviceuser" and "selfserve." In your case, students would go to the selfserviceuser URL (i.e., https:///GIM/user/selfserviceuser" and register themselves or their device.
The provisioner, "selfserviceuser" could then login to the provisioner login page using "selfserviceuser" as the provisioner username/password and see those devices.
The caveat to this, and maybe this is exactly what you're asking, is that there is no method - right now - for the selfserviceuser provisioner to see users/devices registered with the selfserve service. As the product stands right now, the entirety of all devices/guests - both self-service created or provisioner-created - can only be done by the admin account.