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how to add port groups to Eaps Domain in Netsight ?

how to add port groups to Eaps Domain in Netsight ?

New Contributor II
In Ridgeline you would create port groups and associate those port groups to a defined Eaps Domain and run a script to add a new vlan to those ports. How would you perform this in Netsight 6.3 ?

Ooops hit 'send' before I proofread my reply. Those ports need to be members of vlan 'piw_Inet_test_burke2_1014'.

Sorry, my mistake, are ports 1:6 and 2:6 need to be members of vlan piw_inet_test_burke2_1014? They need to be. burke_commerce is the EAPS domain.

correct, they are already a part of the control vlan, when i run the script in Ridgeline it performs normal. In NetSight it does not


they are members of the Eaps Ports