‎12-02-2016 01:54 PM
Hello everyone,
I have a question concearning IPfix configuration on theNetsight. I'm currently working for a customer, who is using Netsight(ver. to collect Netflow Traffic from Enterasys Switches, but is now planning to use Extremes Summit x460-G2 switcheswith out-of-band management. Since these switches can not use Netflow I decidedto configure IPfix instead. According to the following GTAC-Article Netsight should beable to handle IPfix:
After I have configured the switch I noticed that there isno flow traffic displayed in OneView (Analytics>Flows). With the "show port ipfix" command I verified,that flow data is actually collected on the Switch. On the Netsight I checked with the netstat- andtcpdump-command that udp port 2075 is open and that the Netsight receives theIPfix traffic from the switch.
Since this seems to be okay I think that I either have toconfigure Netsight as an IPfix collector or that I have to adjust thedashboard.
Can someone please help?
This would be my switches ipfix configuration:
# Module ipfix configuration.
enable ip-fix
configure ip-fix domain 1
configure ip-fix ip-address protocol udpL4-port 2075 vr "VR-Mgmt"
configure ip-fix source ip-address vr"VR-Mgmt"
configure ip-fix ports 1-47 ingress-and-egress
enable ip-fix ports 1-47 all_traffic
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
Michael Eisenschmid
‎12-07-2016 01:24 PM
‎12-04-2016 09:34 AM
‎12-03-2016 09:48 AM
‎12-02-2016 10:15 PM