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Identity-management configuration

Identity-management configuration

Hello, everyone!

I want to configure Identity Management. Now it works only with Kerberos option configured. The result is only for 10% of ports in the stack I can see hostnames, domain name, IP and very rare - username.

I wanted to configure LDAP servers (I have MSFT infrastracture) but fails with the message (on the picture).

Could you please explain me, what I do wrong?

If I have MSFT forest/domain - which option should I configure - LDAP or Kerberos?

Many thanks in advance,




Extreme Employee
As said by Ronald try to check if any domain has been configured already or not. If not then
You can configure different domains and add different LDAP servers for these different domains. When adding an LDAP server to identity manager, you can specify the domain under which the server is to be added.

You can configure a base-dn and a bind user for each domain.

Base-dn is assumed to be the same as the domain name unless explicitly configured otherwise.
(Base-dn is the LDAP directory under which the users are to be searched.)

For users upgrading from older configurations, the base-dn configured on an older EXOS version
now becomes the default domain name. This can be changed later if required.

For users upgrading from older configurations, the LDAP servers configured on older EXOS
versions are now servers under the default domain.

You can now add up to eight LDAP servers to each of the user-configured domains if you want.

For further reference please find below the command line for the same:

To add or remove LDAP server connections for retrieving identity attributes, use the following

configure {identity-management} ldap {domain } add server [
| ] {} {client-ip } {vr } {encrypted
sasl digest-md5}

To configure LDAP client credentials for accessing an LDAP server, use the following command:

configure {identity-management} ldap {domain [|all]} bind-user
[ {encrypted} | anonymous]

To specify a base domain name to be added to user names in LDAP queries, use the following

configure {identity-management} ldap {domain [|all]} base-dn [ |
none | default]

To enable or disable LDAP queries for specific network login types, use the following command:

configure {identity-management} ldap { domain [ | all ] }
[enable|disable] netlogin [dot1x | mac | web-based]

Hope this helps you in sorting out this issue......

Honored Contributor
Never done such config but let's try it....

Is there a LDAP domain configured...
Switch_1.1 # show ldap domain
Total domains configured: 0
Switch_1.2 #

If not create one....

Switch_1.1 # create ldap domain RON default ?
Execute the command
Switch_1.1 # create ldap domain RON default

You don't need to name it RON 