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Install problems with Netsight OVA (Ubuntu based)

Install problems with Netsight OVA (Ubuntu based)

New Contributor
Hi guys (well maybe a few girls too),

I have the following problem: I try to migrate from NetSight WIN based to NetSight Linux based so I downloaded the Ubuntu OVA file including Netsight.
I put it on my ESX, startet the console and did the initial Installation and put all the info in it. Ubuntu/Netsight told me everything ist completed and I can start using it. But unfortunately I am not able to connect to the Netsight webgui/user interface. I checked the VM again and when I run the 'nmap localhost' command I can see no service running on 8080 or 8443. I started the, no change. I rebootet the whole change. What's my mistake? Why ist teh Netsightserver not starting?

Thanks a lot in advance.

New Contributor
Today I tried the 6.1 Version and run in the same problem. Server is telling me everything has been installed correctly but there is no open port 8080, no service "netsight" is running and execute "top" there is no netsight applicatin running.
As I now have this problem on two different versions I think the problem is me, but what else can I do? I am just running through the application Wizard on the first start, giving the machine an IP address and a username. And as I said, the machine is pingable, just the Netsight is not running.

New Contributor
Yes that's what I thought. At the moment I am downloading the 6.1ova and try it. if this is working fine I will try the 6.2 again.

Extreme Employee
How difficult is it to re-deploy the OVA? I would try that if possible, if the unit has never functioned correctly to begin with.

New Contributor
here you go:

netstat -pan |grep 8080: no output
netstat -pan|grep 8443: no output

if I just run a netstat there is no port 8080/8443 in the result. it just seems netsight is not running. But I will not start when I run although I get no error back.

Extreme Employee
Can you provide a netstat -pan from the virtual appliance?
Use netstat -pan |grep 8080 and netstat -pan|grep 8443If they are available, it may be one of the other ports that are blocked upstream.