11-05-2019 09:19 PM
Is SNMP the only way of discovering and adding Windows-based devices to Extreme Management Center (XMC), meaning that I need to configure SNMP settings on every Windows device within the environment before I will be able to do anything with them in XMC or Extreme Control?
SNMP seems to be somewhat of a “second-class citizen” on Windows, in that SNMPv3 isn’t even supported on Windows and that there are indications that SNMP support may be dropped outright from future versions of Windows. Considering how prevalent Windows is within corporate environments, and the fact that other vendor’s products seem to be able to discover Windows-based devices without relying upon SNMP, I just find it surprising if SNMP is the only way to register Windows-based endpoints in XMC.
Apologies in advance if this this seems to be such a fundamental question, but I want to make sure that I’m not overlooking something.
11-05-2019 10:28 PM
what do you expect from XMC to do with your Windows endpoints?
You can use ICMP or SNMP to monitor devices with XMC
You can use Telnet / SSH to manage 3rd party devices in XMC (there are other options for some Extreme devices).
If you want to see what endpoint is connected where, then you can use ExtremeControl and you can configure your switches to report endpoints = Network Access Control approach.