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NetSight Traps: unable to find events in log file

NetSight Traps: unable to find events in log file

New Contributor
Since upgrading to NetSight we have lost the ability to log our trap events. Prior to the upgrade, the traps were working very well. After the upgrade the only event information shown in the traps window shows "Unable to find events in log file". I have added the users to the snmpd.conf file and restarted the trap service without any change.

When I view the snmptrapd logs, all that is present is the message "Warning: no access control information configured. This receiver will *NOT* accept any incoming notifications." The syslog logs are working fine, but not the traps.

The server is running Windows Server 2008 with SP2, and Java was updated from 6 to 7.

Is there an additional configuration that needs to be applied to get the traps working again?

New Contributor
No, this did not correct the issue. This is now the fourth time I have performed this, without any affect. Is there anything else I can explore?

New Contributor
Thanks for the suggestion! Mike, please let the community know if this fixes the problem. Thank you for your continued patience with this issue. 

We had the same problem, and we clear it with:
Edit the file /NetSight_Install_Path/NetSight/appdata/snmptrapd.conf.

Add "disableAuthorization yes" in the first line of snmptrapd.conf

Save and restart the process.

New Contributor
This was already checked from the initial work-around, so I unchecked it, and restarted NetSight. I then checked it again, restarted NetSight, and there is no difference.