Hi Ompal,
The answer to your questions depends on the version of Extreme Management Center you are running. Assuming you are using a more recent version (8.1 or newer), these should help you get started:
- The following link outlines the process of adding a device to Extreme Management Center: https://emc.extremenetworks.com/content/oneview/docs/l_emc_new_user.html#AddingDevices. If you have not performed the steps prior to the adding a device instructions located at that link, however, we strongly recommend you do. Creating Sites allows you to add multiple devices that use the same configuration quickly without needing to configure each individually.
- You can actually configure the events that are logged via the Event Configuration tab: https://emc.extremenetworks.com/content/oneview/docs/alarmsevents/docs/t_ov_ht_event_config.html?Highlight=logs
- Logs in Extreme Management Center are shown in the Alarms & Events > Events tab. Use the drop-down to filter by the type of Event you are interested in viewing.
- Logs are saved in a a couple of different places, depending on the type:
- Archived syslog files are saved in the \appdata\logs\syslogs directory
- Trap logs are saved in the trapd.conf file located in the \services directory
Others may have additional information, but this information will help.