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Purview appliance with more interfaces on different subnets

Purview appliance with more interfaces on different subnets

Contributor II
Hi, is possible to deploy the Pureview appliance with more interfaces on different subnets or under a NAT device respect the Pureview Sensor? In my scenario I've got a NAT device between my internal lan where I've got the ExtremeControl and the ExtremeAnalytics appliance (virtual) and the coreflow2 switch is on another subnet and I reach this throught the nat device. As test, I've natted 1-1 the Extreme Analytics Appliance and I've used the NAT IP address as the remote gre endpoint on the coreflow2 switch. In this test I see in the external interface of the nat\router the GRE packets, but nothing reach my internal Pureview appliance. How is possible to use Pureview in a deployment like that? Thanks

Extreme Employee
But the SSA does not have any connectivity between the networks. they don't allow any out of band management from network devices? Can you put another interface on the purview engine on the 192.168 network? that would be the easiest way to accomplish this. this way you can have one GRE tunnel between the SSA and the purview engine, and then everything from Netsight to the Purview engine is across a sepatate NIC/network. I don't think you can do the GRE tunnels on windows as a GRE proxy/forwarder... also you would need to change the GRE config in the purview engine as it is a separate tunnel coming from your windows box. otherwise i am not aware of a GRE tunnel being able to be forwarded across a windows NAT, where windows is not the endpoint.

Contributor II
I Matthew, thanks for your instructions. Regarding the first test, I use a Windows 2012 R2 server that act as NAT-Router device, so I need to check if is possoble to do as you suggest for this test (two gre tunnels). For the suggestion to move the management of the SSA switch to my demo networks, my company policy don't permit me to do that becasue in this manner I've got a switch device that bypass our internal firewalls. Yesy, ipforwarding is disabled between the VLANs, but the security administrators don't permit me to create a such schema. I'll try to extend the GRE tunnel as first demo. Thanks, Antonio

Extreme Employee
In your first test, this is expected. the GRE tunnel extends to the NAT device but then does not know what to do or where to go. If your NAT device supports GRE tunnels, then you need to create 2 tunnels, one between the SSA and the NAT device and then another one between the NAT device and Purview. you then need to ensure that traffic is forwarded across the GRE tunnels appropriately. If this is a linux device then you need to bridge the TUN interfaces. as for your second test, I have no idea on what you are trying to accomplish. you do not need to add a second NIC to Netsight. You have one of two choices: either add an additional interface on the purview engine and have that in your demo network (192.168.1.x) OR (and this is the better way) move the management of the SSA onto your 172.29 network and not worry about NAT at all. Simply add an additional VLAN to the SSA, put an interface on it (with management enabled) and use "no ipforwarding" now that interface will be a completely out-of-band interface and should be able to talk directly without having to deal with NAT.

Contributor II
Hi Matthew, I attach the diagram of what I want to do (a Purview on my demo network 192.168.10/24 natted 1-1 by a Windows 2012 R2 NAT Router device to ip that is the end of the gre tunned with the Purview sensor (in my lab a SSA switch).
In this demo lab, I see that GRE packets on the external interface of the NAT-Router device, but nothing reach the internal Purview engine.
In my second test, I've add a Purview engine on network 172.29/16 and then I've added a second NIC to the NetSight VM with one NIC on my internal demo lab 192.168.10/24 and the second one attached to network 172.29/16.
I prefer the first schema with only one Purview engine natted 1-1 this schema possible or I nee to put the external Purview engine?
In this second case, when I add the pureview sensor to NetSight (that in this case has a second NIC connected directly to the same network 172.29/16 of the sensor), the OneView interface says that the sensor is not completly reachable....but are on the saem subnet and there is no a firewall between them..


Extreme Employee
Can you please post a diagram of what you have currently and what you are trying to accomplish? Thanks.