Hi Matthew, I attach the diagram of what I want to do (a Purview on my demo network 192.168.10/24 natted 1-1 by a Windows 2012 R2 NAT Router device to ip that is the end of the gre tunned with the Purview sensor (in my lab a SSA switch).
In this demo lab, I see that GRE packets on the external interface of the NAT-Router device, but nothing reach the internal Purview engine.
In my second test, I've add a Purview engine on network 172.29/16 and then I've added a second NIC to the NetSight VM with one NIC on my internal demo lab 192.168.10/24 and the second one attached to network 172.29/16.
I prefer the first schema with only one Purview engine natted 1-1 ....is this schema possible or I nee to put the external Purview engine?
In this second case, when I add the pureview sensor to NetSight (that in this case has a second NIC connected directly to the same network 172.29/16 of the sensor), the OneView interface says that the sensor is not completly reachable....but are on the saem subnet and there is no a firewall between them..