Hi Community
We are in the process of deploying a Purview Hardware appliance in a datacentre that utilizes two S8 chassis as the core. The appliance will be located in the same rack as the Chassis.
We have the two port 10Gbe Addiotional NIC installed in the Purview HW Applaince.
When running the purview setup wizard we have a few options to deploy Purview, but I am looking for a hybrid of the GRE and Mirror port.
I want to use direct port mirroring to the 10Gbe ports from the Chassis and then have another dedicated 1Gbe port for remote GRE mirroring from remote SSA switches.
And finally a dedicated 1Gbe out of band management.
My idea is to connect the Purview HW Appliance as follows:
- 1Gbe Port for out of band Management
- 10Gbe Port for direct Port mirror from first S8 Chassis
- 10Gbe Port for direct Port mirror from second S8 Chassis
- 1Gbe Port for remote GRE mirroring from remote SSA swicthes

From the wizard I select the option with will give me a dedicated Management port and the two Seperate dedicated 10Gbe mirror ports.
How do I add the seperate GRE 1Gbe port afterwards?
Whatdoes the config look like in the interface file: