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Purview not receiving traffic of GRE

Purview not receiving traffic of GRE

New Contributor
Hello everyone,

I’m facing a simple issue actually with purview (Virtual Node)
purview is configured accordingly, netflow traffic are being received but the application response time is still missing. No traffic are being received over GRE.
From the Purview, the GRE source interface is reachable.
The necessary application services are running.
The Coreflow2 is a S8-Chassis with FW: S-84202-0012 and with following card types:

- SK2008-0832

- SK8008-1224-F8

The vSwitch on the ESX is in promiscuous mode!

I’m pretty sure have checked everything that should be necessary.


The Purview is connected a C5K switch which in turn is connected on the S8.

- Jumbo frame is enabled on the Purview connected interfaces on the C5K as well as on the ESX itself.

- Jumbo frame is also enabled on to the C5K

Any hint why the traffic still not being received over the GRE




Extreme Employee
try tcpdump-ing the interface to see if GRE packets are coming in or not. That will tell you if the GRE tunnel is even reaching the Purview appliance or not. tcpdump -i eth0 host (IP of the GRE source) if you receive traffic then run "dnetconfig" and verify that both endpoints of the GRE tunnel are correct. Typically when the GRE tunnel is making it to the Purview appliance and the purview appliance isn't receiving it, it is usually because the IP endpoints were mistyped. You can also check the mirror config. If traffic is not being received, then you need to check the GRE source. Can you post the S8 mirror config as well as the router and policy config? (show run; show config mirror; show config policy)