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Purview User stats

Purview User stats

Contributor II
Can Pureview provide the following details on a ISP network.
(The ISP dhcp leases is very short, so two or three different users might obtain the same IP address in a 24 hour period)
  • number of sessions per user per month (Should be based on MAC address not IP address or username)
  • daily average use/monthly average use per unique user (Should be based on MAC address not IP address or username)
  • max daily use (Should be based on MAC address not IP address or username)
Looking at the Pureview Browser the client stats is only based on username or IP address.

New Contributor III
The first 2 points you requested you can see with the NAC / IAM solution. The 3th point (max daily use) depends on the authentication methode. If you using mac authentication you do NOT have a specified "logoff" from the LAN, so therefor you are not able to get this information.

In detail you have to sort it at Point 1 and 2. So you have a client history where you can see all the authentications (also fails and positivs), all based on the mac address.

You NOT really need to authenticate all end-system, if you leave the vlanauthorization per port in "disabled" state, you only get the requests and you see what client is where connected to which switch and port with enabled macauthentication.