I've disable CoS in policy and did an enforce, well I think that's what I've done - see below:

When you look on the switch there is a lot of config that policy originally added, and it doesn't get removed, even removing a CoS from a role (had to do that manually as previously stated):
configure ports group "Default (IRL.1)" add 1-52
configure ports group "Default (TXQ.0)" add 1-52
configure qosscheduler strict-priority ports "Default (TXQ.0)"
configure qosprofile QP1 maxbuffer 100 weight 1 ports "Default (TXQ.0)"
configure qosprofile QP2 maxbuffer 100 weight 1
configure qosprofile QP2 maxbuffer 100 weight 1 ports "Default (TXQ.0)"
configure qosprofile QP3 maxbuffer 100 weight 1
configure qosprofile QP3 maxbuffer 100 weight 1 ports "Default (TXQ.0)"
configure qosprofile QP4 maxbuffer 100 weight 1
configure qosprofile QP4 maxbuffer 100 weight 1 ports "Default (TXQ.0)"
configure qosprofile QP5 maxbuffer 100 weight 1
configure qosprofile QP5 maxbuffer 100 weight 1 ports "Default (TXQ.0)"
configure qosprofile QP6 maxbuffer 100 weight 1
configure qosprofile QP6 maxbuffer 100 weight 1 ports "Default (TXQ.0)"
configure qosprofile QP7 maxbuffer 100 weight 1
configure qosprofile QP7 maxbuffer 100 weight 1 ports "Default (TXQ.0)"
configure qosprofile QP8 maxbuffer 100 weight 1 ports "Default (TXQ.0)"
configure dot1p type 0 qosprofile QP1 ingress-meter ingmeter0
configure dot1p type 1 qosprofile QP2 ingress-meter ingmeter1
configure dot1p type 2 qosprofile QP3 ingress-meter ingmeter2
configure dot1p type 3 qosprofile QP4 ingress-meter ingmeter3
configure dot1p type 4 qosprofile QP5 ingress-meter ingmeter4
configure dot1p type 5 qosprofile QP6 ingress-meter ingmeter5
configure dot1p type 6 qosprofile QP7 ingress-meter ingmeter6
configure dot1p type 7 qosprofile QP8 ingress-meter ingmeter7
configure vr VR-Default delete protocol mpls
configure cos-index 8 qosprofile QP4 replace-tos 64
configure meter ingmeter2 committed-rate 10000000 Kbps out-actions drop ports "Default (IRL.1)"
configure meter ingmeter3 committed-rate 10000000 Kbps out-actions drop ports "Default (IRL.1)"
configure access-list vlan-acl-precedence shared
configure access-list rule-compression port-counters shared
So apologies if this might seem like a daft question but do you know how I can fully remove all the CoS settings, perhaps just by manually removing all the config above?
I tried removing the meters but it complained about being in use elsewhere, probably the 'configure dot1p' command.
Before I start removing all the config, and its only a POC so its no big deal, I just wanted to see if there was an easier way and that I'm going about it correctly.
Many thanks.