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Sending flow data from a switch direct to ExtremeAnalytics (without a flowcollector engine)

Sending flow data from a switch direct to ExtremeAnalytics (without a flowcollector engine)

New Contributor III
Hello everybody

I would like to configure the Extreme Switches (x440-G2, with version 22.4) to sending sflow/netflow data direct to the Extreme Analytics. I heard this is now possible without having a flowcollector enginge like PV FC-180 installed. Is this true? Because I couldn't find any referenced documentation to this. Thank you very much for your feedback.

Best regards, Yves

Extreme Employee
Try to configure the access-list width to double.
The command to do this is:

configure access-list width double

New Contributor
Have the same problem on X440-G2:
Error: ACL install operation failed - filter hardware full for vlan *, port *

this is a known CR, that will be fixed (if not already)

New Contributor III
I tried it with "Application Telemetry Source" (I guess this is for SFlow+).
But I got the following errors when I add the source Switch.

-> if {! $OverallResult} {
2018-03-02 15:51:52,183 INFO [stdout] Script failed : configure access-list sflow.pol any ingress
2018-03-02 15:51:52,185 INFO [stdout] .
2018-03-02 15:51:52,185 INFO [stdout] Error: ACL install operation failed - filter hardware full for vlan *, port *
2018-03-02 15:51:52,185 INFO [stdout] * switchname.14 #
2018-03-02 15:51:52,188 ERROR [com.enterasys.netsight.appid.server.webapps.monitor.AppIdDwr] Error in step 2 of enabling SFlow+ source for
2018-03-02 15:51:52,192 ERROR [com.enterasys.netsight.appid.server.webapps.monitor.AppIdDwr] javax.script.ScriptException:
*** Script Error ***
Die command issued: Script failed : configure access-list sflow.pol any ingress
Error: ACL install operation failed - filter hardware full for vlan *, port *
* switchname.14 #

--> I've already run this command: "configure access-list vlan-acl-precedence shared" and rebooted the switch.

The configuration is a default setup.

New Contributor III
Okay, found it, thx.
I did an enforce (without adding a telemetry source) but the file isn't there yet.

I guess I have to test it first in the lab, before I add a switch to the Analytics on customer site. Because I have no idea how business critical this is.