06-07-2024 12:14 PM
I am trying to get used to scripting but have not found anything that does what i want.
I want to send CLI commands to groups but have the %deviceIP built in to the script so it make changes as i need.
For example i was to enable SFLOW so i need to have the local IP in this config.
config terminal
sflow agent-ip %deviceIP
sflow collector 1 address x.x.x.x owner DEV-SiteEngine port 6343 timeout 497
sflow collector 2 address x.x.x.x owner PRD-SiteEngine port 6343 timeout 497
app-telemetry enable
I was also trying to see if there is anyway to do pip install commands to get more features in the scripts.
Solved! Go to Solution.
06-09-2024 11:56 PM
first, in your CLI command bulk is missing the enable command on the leading position.
second, why do you send sFlow data to Site Engine? It should go to the Analytics Engine. And if you add the switch to the Analytics Engine he gets automatically configured with App Telemetry and not only sFlow, which is more advanced.
06-07-2024 01:10 PM
I've been trying to troubleshoot by adding regex as well but all i ever get is the same export from site engine.
Script Name: TEST-Gather-MGMT-Push-SFLOW
Date and Time: 2024-06-07T15:09:36.638
XIQ-SE User: root
XIQ-SE User Domain:
import re
from xmclib import emc_vars
from xmclib import cli
def configure_device():
device_ip = emc_vars["deviceIP"]
device_login = emc_vars["deviceLogin"]
device_pwd = emc_vars["devicePwd"]
cli_port = emc_vars.get("cliPort", 22) # Default to SSH port 22 if not specified
# Define the CLI commands
cli_commands = [
"conf t",
"sflow agent-ip {}".format(device_ip),
"sflow collector 1 address owner DEV-SiteEngine port 6343 timeout 497",
"sflow collector 2 address owner adcprdsiteengine01 port 6343 timeout 497",
"app-telemetry enable",
"exit", # Add 'exit' to commit changes if necessary
"save config" # Add 'save config' to ensure configuration is saved
print("Connecting to device {}...".format(device_ip))
# Initialize the connection
session = cli.CliCommand(device_ip, user=device_login, password=device_pwd, port=cli_port)
# Execute each command individually and capture the output
for command in cli_commands:
print("Running command: {}".format(command))
result = session.execute(command)
if result:
print("Command output: {}".format(result))
print("Successfully executed command on device {}: {}".format(device_ip, command))
print("Failed to execute command on device {}: {}".format(device_ip, command))
# Example of capturing and parsing the output for verification
verification_command = "show sflow configuration" # Replace with an appropriate verification command
print("Running verification command: {}".format(verification_command))
verification_result = session.execute(verification_command)
if verification_result:
print("Verification command output: {}".format(verification_result))
# Parse the output using regex
regex = re.compile(r"sflow agent-ip (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)")
for line in verification_result.splitlines():
match = regex.search(line)
if match:
agent_ip = match.group(1)
print("Parsed sflow agent IP: {}".format(agent_ip))
print("Failed to execute verification command on device {}".format(device_ip))
except Exception as ex:
print("Exception occurred while configuring device {}: {}".format(device_ip, str(ex)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
06-10-2024 12:02 AM
not sure where you got the inspiration for this Python script. If you are using Python inside Site Engine, the CLI handling is much simpler.