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trying to configure a simple network

trying to configure a simple network

New Contributor
just purchased extreme network 440 and a new router. Its my understanding i don't need a router that the switch can do dhcp as well? if this is the case how would i set the static from my isp on a specific port and be able to utilize the rest of the ports for connection to other devices for connection to the internet. just one vlan so i can begin to learn these switches. trying to keep it simple for now. i've managed to set an ip on the switch and can access the gui. but i dont know how to set one of the ports to be my "in" port from my modem w static settings

Extreme Employee
Gus Rodriguez,

GTAC is 24/7. You could reach us at any time. Also, you could post here in the forum.

New Contributor
Ok I'm understanding I little better now. I'm going to give it a shot tomorrow. If I need further assistance is there some one I can speak to or do I just have to post here in the forums?

Extreme Employee
Gus Rodriguez,

Let's assume we have got only the default vlan residing in the switch and your Router/DHCP is connected in the same vlan interface.
In this case, the clients connected to the default vlan will be getting the ip-address from the DHCP server. Since, the clients and the DHCP server are in the same vlan.

In case, if there are multiple vlans created on the switch. And also, your DHCP server is residing on a different subnet/connected to a different vlan interface of the switch.
Then we would need to configure the bootprelay on those vlans for the clients to receive ip-adress from the DHCP server.

New Contributor
so if i have a router configured running dhcp and have it plugged into the switch w just one vlan to start w/ what do i have to do to the port the router is connected to for dhcp from the router to give ips to the rest of the ports?