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Unable to backup XOS Stack

Unable to backup XOS Stack

New Contributor III

Hi together,

I have a problem with a config backup of a X450 (Stack) (Firmware: using the XMC ( Archive function.

When I start the backup it always shows ā€œDevice Busy - Waiting...ā€œ at some point it is running into a timeout and stops the backup.

So far I have tried to find out why the Switch is busy but I could not find any task the Switch should executeā€¦.

A reboot of the Stack and the XMC could not solve the problem.



It would be great if you could help me.





New Contributor III


we found a soultion for this problem. We had to update the XMC to the Firmware

Now the backup runs without any issues.


View solution in original post


New Contributor III

What vr is used to make backup ? Is that network routable both ways ? Maybe asymetric routing is the cause ?

Valued Contributor III

Unfortunately, I can't see any indication regarding the error cause. Maybe the fastest way to fix the problem is to open a GTAC case.

Regards Stephan

New Contributor III

Hello Stephan,


thanks for your help.

I activated the debug log and started the Backup manual from the XMC. Below you can find a part of the log file. I replaced the Switch IP and Username with <Switch_IP> and <USER>.


2021-01-07 14:05:10,901 DEBUG [com.ets.netsight.inv.scheduler.common.InvTaskMonitor] 0 Update data = [InvAuditTrail] Auditor Name = <SWITCH_IP>, Auditor Type = 1, Status = 5, Date = 1610024254898, Start
Time = 1610024254897, Server = , File = /tftpboot/configs/configs/79/1610024254897/<SWITCH_IP>.cfg, Entry Type = 2, Action Record = <SWITCH_IP>, User = <USER>, Message = Queued..., Detailed Statu
s = 5, Details = , Schedule Type = 6, Action record Time = 1610024254897, Schedule Name = Management Center Archive, Alert Status = 0, Description = , Progress = 0, Bytes Transferer = 0, Schedule Disp
lay Name = Management Center Archive, Snmp Context =
2021-01-07 14:05:10,901 DEBUG [com.ets.netsight.inv.scheduler.common.InvTaskMonitor] 0 Checking to see if update # 0 is a audit trail update.
2021-01-07 14:05:10,901 DEBUG [com.ets.netsight.inv.scheduler.common.InvTaskMonitor] notifying sched name Management Center Archive of audit
2021-01-07 14:05:10,901 DEBUG [com.ets.netsight.inv.scheduler.common.InvTaskMonitor] 0 -- Task Management Center Archive could not be found in monitored list
2021-01-07 14:05:10,901 DEBUG [] Handling event: class
2021-01-07 14:05:10,901 DEBUG [com.ets.netsight.inv.scheduler.common.InvTaskMonitor] Got Update with 1 entries
2021-01-07 14:05:10,901 DEBUG [com.ets.netsight.inv.scheduler.common.InvTaskMonitor] 0 Update data = [InvAuditTrail] Auditor Name = <SWITCH_IP>, Auditor Type = 1, Status = 5, Date = 1610024254898, Start
Time = 1610024254897, Server = , File = /tftpboot/configs/configs/79/1610024254897/<SWITCH_IP>.cfg, Entry Type = 2, Action Record = <SWITCH_IP>, User = <USER>, Message = Device Busy - Waiting...,
Detailed Status = 5, Details = , Schedule Type = 6, Action record Time = 1610024254897, Schedule Name = Management Center Archive, Alert Status = 0, Description = , Progress = 0, Bytes Transferer = 0
, Schedule Display Name = Management Center Archive, Snmp Context =
2021-01-07 14:05:10,901 DEBUG [com.ets.netsight.inv.scheduler.common.InvTaskMonitor] 0 Checking to see if update # 0 is a audit trail update.
2021-01-07 14:05:10,901 DEBUG [com.ets.netsight.inv.scheduler.common.InvTaskMonitor] notifying sched name Management Center Archive of audit
2021-01-07 14:05:10,901 DEBUG [com.ets.netsight.inv.scheduler.common.InvTaskMonitor] 0 -- Task Management Center Archive could not be found in monitored list
2021-01-07 14:06:06,653 INFO [com.ets.netsight.inv.server.ConfigImpactCollector] -,,_. update firmware reference versions in dashboard
2021-01-07 14:06:06,655 INFO [com.ets.netsight.inv.server.ConfigImpactCollector] -,,_. update archived devices status in dashboard
2021-01-07 14:06:30,061 DEBUG [com.ets.netsight.inv.database.InvDatabase] InvDatabase - Unhandled Console Event onMessage()ObjectUpdatedEvent (1)
2021-01-07 14:06:30,074 INFO [com.ets.netsight.inv.server.ConfigImpactCollector] -,,_. devicesUpdated
2021-01-07 14:06:30,240 DEBUG [com.ets.netsight.inv.database.InvDatabase] InvDatabase - Unhandled Console Event onMessage()ObjectUpdatedEvent (1)
2021-01-07 14:06:30,257 INFO [com.ets.netsight.inv.server.ConfigImpactCollector] -,,_. devicesUpdated
2021-01-07 14:07:40,906 INFO [stdout] [Queue] Next Schedule not due yet, sleeping for 3679 seconds
2021-01-07 14:09:50,595 DEBUG [com.ets.netsight.inv.database.InvDatabase] InvDatabase - Unhandled Console Event onMessage()ObjectUpdatedEvent (1)
2021-01-07 14:09:50,607 INFO [com.ets.netsight.inv.server.ConfigImpactCollector] -,,_. devicesUpdated
2021-01-07 14:10:37,285 DEBUG [com.ets.netsight.inv.database.InvDatabase] InvDatabase - Unhandled Console Event onMessage()ObjectUpdatedEvent (1)
2021-01-07 14:10:37,297 INFO [com.ets.netsight.inv.server.ConfigImpactCollector] -,,_. devicesUpdated
2021-01-07 14:10:37,319 DEBUG [com.ets.netsight.inv.database.InvDatabase] InvDatabase - Unhandled Console Event onMessage()ObjectUpdatedEvent (1)
2021-01-07 14:10:37,332 INFO [com.ets.netsight.inv.server.ConfigImpactCollector] -,,_. devicesUpdated
2021-01-07 14:10:55,810 DEBUG [com.ets.netsight.inv.database.InvDatabase] InvDatabase - Unhandled Console Event onMessage()ObjectUpdatedEvent (1)
2021-01-07 14:10:55,825 INFO [com.ets.netsight.inv.server.ConfigImpactCollector] -,,_. devicesUpdated
2021-01-07 14:10:55,852 DEBUG [com.ets.netsight.inv.database.InvDatabase] InvDatabase - Unhandled Console Event onMessage()ObjectUpdatedEvent (1)
2021-01-07 14:10:55,866 INFO [com.ets.netsight.inv.server.ConfigImpactCollector] -,,_. devicesUpdated
2021-01-07 14:12:40,907 INFO [stdout] [Queue] Next Schedule not due yet, sleeping for 3379 seconds




Valued Contributor III

Hello Nico,


you can try to enable debugging for the Inventory Manager /Script (in Administration->Diagnostics-->Server->Server Diagnostics). Maybe than you can see more informations in the log pointing in the right direction.

Regards Stephan

New Contributor III

No the Switch has only one IP and dose not route.
Yes the Switch is connected to a router but not via a transit-net.

The Switch is reachable from the XMC (I ping the Switch from the XMC).


