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Where can i check which EXOS version support which kind of SNMP traps ?

Where can i check which EXOS version support which kind of SNMP traps ?

Contributor III
Again and again i am looking to find out which kind of traps a EXOS Switch can send (out-of-the-box). (i knew already that there is a way to build your own traps based on every interesting log entry!)

On EOS i have a look into current Release Notes and i can read a list of supported Traps,

i have been looking for the same thing on EXOS ?! Where can i check which SNMP Traps a EXOS Switch can send. (No information in manual, release notes, KB, etc).

Does anyone have an idea ?


Contributor III
Hi Ron,

i know that list of supported MIBs.

But before i am not able to identify which information can be provided via trap - i thought that is only snmp query related.

Based on your advice i see that i have to look and search these (complete) section to get a list of supported traps. (This is a little bit extensive but helps).

Thanks that will help me very much.

But generally why isn't there a prepared list (of all traps) like at EOS do in the Release notes ??
Is there a change that this will be adapt (EOS / EXOS) in the near future ?


Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager
Hi Matthias,

For the standard MIB support there is a section in the manual that also include the traps.

For the Extreme Networks Proprietary MIBs there is another section.

If you download the PDF for the ExtremeXOS 21.1 User Guide, all lists start at page 1531.