Contributor III
since ‎09-07-2021

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Showing below a example of XCC 5.36.02 Client (expert) graph. TxRate / RxRate / DL Retries / RSS shows all 3 values -Lower / Upper / ??? Does anybody knows the story behind this 3 values ? Which value stand for what?If this are aggregated or calculat...
I got this XCC WLAN client report shown:(XCC 5.36.02 - report truncated - AP310i)XCC-V5.36.02# show clients apserial XXXXX-XXXXXX00000Protocol Radio SSID Aut./Priv. OS RSS(dBm) Avg.Rate ...
I am asking myself what is the use-case of this feature.What can i do with that ? XMC / NAC online help explains this:Monitoring - RADIUS Accounting — the switch will monitor Auto Tracking, CEP (Convergence End Point), and Switch Quarantine sessions....
Unfortunately V300 - Datasheet does not give information about fan and noise values during switch running (table “fan and acustic noise” is missed) . V300-8P-2X | V300HT-8P-2x | V300HT-8T-2x are fanless - so they works silent But what about V300-8T-X...
using XMC execute CLI commands … searching for a command which makes a pause between 2 commands like: show port X error no-refreshpause 10show port X error no-refresh (sleep X or time.sleep X from XMC scripting does not work!) Any ideas ?