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Workflows CLI Activity: how to assign device per activity?

Workflows CLI Activity: how to assign device per activity?

New Contributor III


i want to automate a certain provisioning process with Workflow feature. The process requires to set several different CLI commands on some of our devices.

For example:

on device 1: CLI commands A and  on device 2: CLI commands B

The devices which I want to use in the workflow are static, they are always the same eight devices from our inventory. But I need to run different commands on them.

I figured out to create a workflow with several CLI activities (one CLI activity per device). How can I pre-assign a CLI Activity to a certain device? I tried to set the device variable per activity (deleted the workflow device variable, and created new device variable in each activity). I tried to enter Device Name of the switch and i tried to use the IP-Adress in this variable but I always get the "select device dialogue" when I start the workflow.


Extreme Employee


don't overcomplicate this. Use an if-then expression to check the IP and apply the commands depending on the IP address.



View solution in original post


New Contributor III

After looking for some phyton variable basics and some example workflows from github i tried adding the workflow variable in main:

def main():
mycustomport = emc_vars["mycustomport"]

and then using it with cmds.append f.e.:

elif emc_vars['deviceIP'] == "":
cmds.append('enable port '+mycustomport)

This seem to work. ðŸ™‚

New Contributor III


Hi Markus,

using your code as Phyton script activity I managed to send two different commands to two different devices of a three device test group. How can I implement variables into the commands? ( I am not very familiar with phyton.)

In my test CLI activity example I had "disable port ${mycustomport}" which uses a defined variable  "mycustomport" which is defined as a custom workflow input. 


I cannot educate you about Python. Please use youtube / search engines / whatever.
If you are in Python using our Workflows you have a dictionary providing you access to the Workflow-wide variables.

Using placeholders (%s) to define the poison where the injecting should be. You can use ore than one variable. Here a example just with one:
cmds.append("show interface gigaeth %s" % emc_vars['mycustomport'])


Extreme Employee


don't overcomplicate this. Use an if-then expression to check the IP and apply the commands depending on the IP address.
