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A stale record of the device was found in the redirector.

A stale record of the device was found in the redirector.

New Contributor

I am receiving "A stale record of the device was found in the redirector." concerning the below serial number:


Please could you release these so I can onboard them?


Kind Regards


New Contributor


I do not know my suggestion will help you or not but trying to suggest                                 

The error message "A stale record of the device was found in the redirector" typically indicates a network connectivity or communication issue between devices. It is possible that the device with the serial number you provided has an outdated or incorrect record in the network redirector, which is causing the error. To resolve this issue, you may need to check your network connectivity, DNS settings, and firewall or security software settings. You may also need to contact your IT department or network administrator for assistance. They can help you identify the specific issue and take any necessary steps to release or onboard the device.

Apologies but I'm trying to link this AP to a new instance of ExtremeIQ as I've got it second hand. Believe that this message appears when its already registered to another tenant. 


Was hoping it could be released by support but not heard anything back on this one yet - its been done in the past so still hopeful!