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Ap460e xiq onboarding

Ap460e xiq onboarding

New Contributor

Hi everyone and extreme networks. I recently got an ap460e-fcc new. I set up mu xiq account and on trying to onboard the ap am being told two things; i input a s/n of 14 characters yet the s/n i got on this machine is of 10 characters, another thing they saying "device isn't a supported universal ap.

How can i resolve this issue with my ap and onboard it through xiq or through SHH. Really given me a headache. Thanks


Thanks for this information, but when i accessed the ap460e's wing page , the wing page requested i download some firmware via adobe flash player and my browser kept on blocking the request. What could be the cause of that then, thanks. 

Please SSH into the AP use Putty.exe or any other emulator. 


Christoph S.

Extreme Employee


      The AP460e is for our WiNG wireless, not XIQ.  You require the AP460C if utilizing XIQ. 

Thanks, but how exactly can i then get the ap460e to onboard and configure, do i need to buy a separate physical extreme controller and if soo please list for me the models i can buy for this. Or is there any other cloud management software other than xiq i can onboard it onto.
