We just bought 16 AP650's (AH-AP-650-AX-FCC Wifi 6 Indoor Plenum AP650 Dual 5GHz
Radio 4x4:4 802.11ac/ax) from ebay because our vendor cant get what we ordered from their distributor, and we need them yesterday kind of deal. For back story, we have 162 licenses, with 160 active devices (2 are in storage and used for special events). I went to on-board one of the ebay AP's, but got an error message stating:

"License limit exceeded for managed devices" and thats it, doesn't add anything.
Is this just a case that i need to buy 16 licenses, or is something else going on? i ask this, as in the past i had 2 more devices than licenses and was getting only a warning, it didnt put them offline or anything.
BTW: i have the serials for all those 16 from ebay (hence trying to on-board them), but the physical devices wont be here for a little while yet, so im just trying to head off any issues before they happen.