I have a bunch of AP650(AH)'s, and i want High Density in some areas, and not in others. So i create another AP650(AH) template, and another radio profile, the radio profile does not have HD enabled.
I create my classification rule, and do it by IP address. I figure ill do a bunch by IP and possibly others by Location. So i create the rule, put the IP addresses in for 4 AP's, because at this point I want to see it working.
I deploy the config, give it a bit, and then go into the AP. this is what I see:

Great, it has my network policy and did pick the correct device template (we dont use 2.4gh indoors), and that template has the correct radio profile (with HD disabled).
this is what the template shows, along with that radio profile:

So that means its using the correct device template with the correct radio profile. right? probably wrong, and heres why.
I go into the XIQ interface, and in Column Picker, i select Radio profile for wifi0 and wifi1, they should show those AP's as having the "radio_ng11ax-5gNoHD".
but they dont, they show the other Device template's Radio Profile where HD is enabled, here:

All of those 3 above show the incorrect Radio Profile.
I went about ti in an obvious way, create the radio profile, create the device template, associate both, add the device template into the network policy, create the classification rule, adding the IP address of the AP i want to have the non-HD radio profile. Inside the AP it looks right, but in the XIQ interface it is showing its not.
So, whats true, what im seeing in the Device itself, or what the XIQ is showing me? so tired of the issues with Extreme wifi, had so many issues with it.