Hi. I want to effectively create a backup and clone of our 'live' XIQ instance on a test XIQ instance. I previously successfully managed to do this back in February of this year and Extreme GTAC also managed to import a DB into one of their test XIQ instances recently.
However this has one undesired consequence - PPSK users receive a duplicate notification of their PPSK credentials.
Note I don't believe this happened back in February but I believe it happened recently when Extreme did this on our behalf.
Ultimately I'd like to be able to disable the Emails or SMS messages from being sent but I'm not sure there is a way to do this.
Previously I believe notifications were only sent AFTER I made changes to the SSID names on the "Test" XIQ instance.
However I believe something has changed since February and Emails are now being sent immediately after an import to another XIQ system?
It might be that this occurred because the RDC and GDC used on their instance were different to ours which by the way are the same on both our Test and Live instances? Unfortunately despite asking why this occurred I've not really had a meaningful answer. I appreciate what I'm trying to do here is not probably not what the import/export function was designed for but nevertheless it does what I want it to except it seems sending out notifications to all users.