Hello, sorry for the slow reply here, I was out of the office last week. When you set the channel width to 80MHz, you're increasing the throughput from the client to the AP, but not from the AP out to your network or from your network out to the internet. Just wanted to clarify that real quick. For the rest of your issue, could you send me tech data so I can check a few things for you?
This guide reviews how to get tech data. For speed issues, the first things we typically check have to do with Radio Frequency interference. If you'd like to look at the tech data yourself to troubleshoot this, we have an
in-depth RF troubleshooting article that can be found here. If you'd like to email me the tech data so I can take a look and let you know what I find, please feel free to send the tech data file to me directly at community@extremenetworks.com.