Trying to as an EXOS stack to the cloud following this guide:
How To: How To Onboard ExtremeXOS based stack into ExtremeCloud IQ | Extreme PortalIs says to do a 'show version' on the switch and add all the serial numbers into IQ, seperated by a comma and no space. When I do, I get error like the following:
Could not recognize 18xxxN-438xx. Please onboard 18xxN-438xx separately.The stack has threes slots. If I indivudually try each serial number it doesn't complain, soon as I add one or the all three in any combination I get the error, which I can't understand since this is what the article exactly says to do?
Also when adding the switch you get both these options:

I really want the section option i.e. to maintain compete control over your local deployment. Was worried second option might write something to the switch?
Use this option I get the following error:
Onboarding this device through 'Deploy your device locally' is not supported. Please check your device compatibility and try again.So stuck either way and hoping someone can help.
Many thanks in advance