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Issue with SNMP Connectivity on New Account

Issue with SNMP Connectivity on New Account

New Contributor

Hello AP Community,

I hope you are all doing well. I am currently experiencing an issue with SNMP connectivity on my new account and I would greatly appreciate your insights and assistance in resolving it.

Despite configuring SNMP v2 and SNMP v2 on the new account, I am unable to establish communication with the devices using SNMP. I have thoroughly checked for any firewall restrictions, routing issues, or other potential network problems, but everything appears to be correctly set up. Interestingly, I can successfully ping the devices without any issues.

When I run the command "snmpwalk -v 2c -c community$ 10.x.x.12" or "snmpwalk -v 3 -u admin -A community$ -X community$ -l authPriv 10.x.x.12", I receive either "Timeout: No Response from 10.x.x.12" or "snmpwalk: Timeout."

Configuration Example on AP:

snmp reader version v2c community p4$5w0rd 10.x.x.24

snmp reader version v3 admin p4$5w0rd auth sha password p4$5w0rd encryption aes password p4$5w0rd 

snmp trap-host v3 admin p4$5w0rd auth sha password p4$5w0rd encryption aes password p4$5w0rd 

snmp trap-host v3 10.x.x.55 admin p4$5w0rd

snmp trap-info over-capwap

snmp trap-info over-snmp

It's important to note that prior to migrating to Extreme Connect IQ Connect, I had no issues with SNMP monitoring on these devices and SNMP servers are OK.

I kindly request the assistance of this knowledgeable community in helping me resolve this SNMP connectivity problem. Any expertise, guidance, or suggestions you can provide would be immensely appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your time and support. I look forward to your valuable responses.

Best regards, Diego