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Manage >>Planning but building locations moving on their own!

Manage >>Planning but building locations moving on their own!

Valued Contributor

This is about the 3rd or 4th time this has happened, but ill go into Manager >> Planning and some of the buildings ive placed over the satellite picture are no longer there... some are not even in the same state.

The one circled in red is correct, the ones bunched up on the right of that, were all around Florida and i had to move them closer so that I could put them back where they are supposed to be,, and then you have those others way up in North America:

What the hell is going on?  

Like I said, this isnt the first time this has happened.  All my data is accurate, so why does this keep changing?  ive been told by a lot of Extremeiq people, that maps, buildings and floor plans are very..... VERY important to have done, which i did and took considerable time to do, but i come back and a lot of those buildings are all over the map.  Whatever this is, it needs to be fixed.


Valued Contributor
Sorry for my delay.  I got a couple of screenshots with all in the right places.  Ill try to remember to periodically check the map and see if anything moved.  Thanks.

Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager
That does sound difficult to pin point. I'll continue checking on our list of outstanding XIQ map issues but if you're seeing this happen multiple times over the past year then I'm guessing we either don't have a documented case for engineering to pursue or the issue doesn't have the proper momentum and we need to get that moving again (which I would need an open case to do).

I'd suggest getting a picture of the maps as they should be, and then next time you see the map has changed randomly open a case before you fix it so we can document the issue. If you can send me the case number when it happens, I'll keep an eye on it from my side of things to make sure we document as fast as possible so you can get your maps back to normal again.

Valued Contributor
Hey Sam,

Actually i haven't opened a ticket for it.  The reason is that it happens so randomly.  I don't go into that part very often, but id guess that in the last 365 days ive probably gone in there a couple dozen times, and in those couple of dozen id say that's happened 4 or 5 times.  Ill go into that part, zoom fully out and see if buildings are placed incorrectly all over the world or US.  

I figured it was some kind of glitch or bug, and that it was probably noted by the back-end guys and on a "to do" list somewhere.  I have no idea how they are going to sort it though, as i already put all my building back to where they should be.  suggestions?

Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager
That is very problematic, we'll want to get that fixed quickly. Have you opened a support case for this issue? If you have, can you share the case number so I can check on the case and make sure we have the right momentum here?