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Notification from IQ Cloud ???

Notification from IQ Cloud ???

New Contributor
I don't know is it us or something is messed up with IQ cloud with managing renewals, expirations and other stuff. We don't get emails on renewals for our customer and often we get in trouble because expired license (just one of them not all of them) actually blocking you doing any changes on tenant. 

How do you guys managing this since we are unable to track that for customers nor look every single day if something is going to expire or not???

Thank you.

Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager
Hi there, I can shed some light on this process. When a key is 30 days away from expiring, and email is sent to the person that secured that key in the first place letting them know the key is about to expire and they should renew. Additionally, a banner is shown in XIQ starting a 30 day countdown and will show for those 30 days until the key expires and XIQ is locked down. You can also see the expiration dates in XIQ under Global Settings> License Management, so you can set up additional calendar reminders if you'd like to. Hope that helps!​

"When a key is 30 days away from expiring, and email is sent to the person that secured that key in the first place letting them know the key is about to expire and they should renew." --> What this means "person that secure that key in the first place" ? What this means?

"Global Settings> License Management, so you can set up additional calendar reminders if you'd like to." --> I don't see this on my tenant. Can you share screenshots where this is?

Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager
The person that worked with Extreme to purchase the original key will get an email when the key is 30 days away from expiration. 

This is a screenshot showing the path to the License Management page: 

If you don't see the License Management option under Global Settings, it means you don't have the right permissions to see this in XIQ, and you'll want to contact your XIQ administrator for access. 

I have learned that ZERO notifications are possible on IQ Cloud (at least that's my understanding). Nobody actually receives notification. Customer,  partner, distributor receive no notification. So, how Extreme cloud expecting customers, partners and distributors to keep up with renewals???