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Regulatory information for AP510-C-WW for Egypt

Regulatory information for AP510-C-WW for Egypt

Contributor II


I understand that the AP510-C-WW is a World Wide SKU and that the country code should be determined during onboarding, and this is automatic as long as there are no NTP or FW issues.

Egypt does not allow the use of most of UNII-2 Extended (ranges 5170-5758 MHz), channels 100-140. Will these channels be marked with dotted lines showing excluded in XIQ when the correct country code 818 is applied?

Is there any documentation that shows what each of the country codes allows/excludes?

[Edit] Upon first time onboarding of AP510C-WW the country code shows World SKU (998). It only shows the correct country code after Discover Country Code which reboots AP. It could be it needed a reboot to show correctly? I deleted device and onboarded again which updates the AP with policy configuration and location and resets. The country code was correct, I think the World SKU showing is by design and should clear after reset (or Discover Country Code). The magic only happens if the responds to UDP 12222 I presume. NTP is also important.


