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Extreme Hardware/Software Compatibility and Recommendation Matrices

Extreme Hardware/Software Compatibility and Recommendation Matrices

Extreme Employee
The Extreme Hardware/Software Compatibility and Recommendation Matrices provides information about the supported and recommended operating-system versions (ExtremeXOS and EOS) for Extreme Networks switches and routers.

We're now publishing the Matrices in a new format that allows you to get updates and corrections as soon as we know about them. Previously, the PDFs and web pages were updated only three or four times per year.

I invite you to try the new Matrices document. You can access it from the Extreme Documentation page (as before) or directly at this URL:

If you have comments about the new format, or about the information in the document itself, feel free to post them here.

Larry Kunz
Information Development
Extreme Networks

Extreme Employee
Updated link for compatibility matrices

Extreme Employee
Following up: I've verified that for the A/B/C/D/I and G series products, the latest version of the SecureStack software is always the recommended version. (I was wrong when I said this software was EOS. The software is actually unique for each platform.)

New Contributor
Larry, Good info...glad that you are posting this list publicly now. However, why is there no EOS secure stack switches listed? Will you please considering adding these to the list?

Thanks much,

Mike, thanks for your question. I'm looking into this, but I believe that the latest version of EOS, which is currently, is recommended for all platforms. I'll let you know what I find out.