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How to remove a netflow collector ip from a switch.

How to remove a netflow collector ip from a switch.

New Contributor
I am new to the Extreme side of things. I was tinkering with Purview this morning. I added the export destination to my Peview server and quickly found that I was over the licensing limit. I want to turn it off temporarily until we get our licensing figured out. I cannot seem to find reference on how to remove a destination IP from the list of Netflow servers in the CLI of my SSA. Please help.

New Contributor
Thanks Frank. I actually found the command by doing some deep digging about the time your reply popped up.. Why is it that the command reference for EOS seems hard to find?

I take it you found them Thomas, which is good. Sorry it was difficult.

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We're going to make it much easier to find stuff very soon. Thanks for joining the Hub and your trust in Extreme.

Extreme Employee
clear netflow export-destination X.X.X.X