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S Series Switch using GRE tunnels to a Purview Appliance

S Series Switch using GRE tunnels to a Purview Appliance

Contributor II
Hi community.

We are deploying a new Purview (Extreme Analytics) for a client.
They will be terminating GRE tunnels from their S6 chassis directly to a purview appliance.

As part of the GRE tunnel config on the S Series switch, the source if the GRE tunnel is mapped to a physcial port:

#Create GRE Tunnel to Purview Appliance
interface tun.0.2
tunnel destination x.x.x.x
tunnel mode gre l2 tbp.0.2
tunnel mirror enable
tunnel source y.y.y.y
no shutdown

Does this need to be a physical port or can we use one of the tbp's (Tunnel bridge Ports).

We use some of the TBPS for VXLAN tunnels, so I would think that we could use the TBPS ports for the source port of the GRE tunnel, or does this have to be a physical port.