Please forgive my ignorance, as I'm new to XOS, having used EOS for years. I'm trying to grasp the way XOS handles it config file and compare it to Enterasys (EOS) but I can't seem to grasp some concepts. Hopefully I can explain clearly enough so that someone can "translate" for me.
Coming from years of experience in the EOS world, when I enter a command in EOS (spanning-tree for example), I can run the command "show config spantree" to see the commands I've entered or "show config all spantree" to see what I've entered plus what the defaults are behind the scenes. When I do this for XOS, i don't think I'm getting the same results. Using the same commands with regards to spanning tree in XOS, I run the command "show configuration stp", this seems to mimic EOS and show me only what I've configured. However, lets say I then remove a command. The command seems to be removed, essentially setting it back to default because I don't see it when I run "show configuration stp". Yet, it is still there when I run "show configuration detail stp" but in the "reverse state" if that makes since. Shouldn't it be gone from both, since I set it back to defaults? For example, I entered the command in XOS "enable stpd s0 ports 1:1". This created a line in my config. When I remove it running "disable stpd "s0" ports 1:1", the command no longer appears when I run "show configuration stp" but is somehow still there when I run "show configuration stp detail". Since I set it back to the default, shouldn't that line be gone from both? I'm really confused by this.