Create Date: Sep 28 2012 7:51PM
going live with a stack this evening. and switch 4 has failed due to incompatible xos version.
i had actually already set the stack up, i was sure i tested each stack member ... okay. (is it possible to do with ssh module?)
limited time to do this in tomorrow what is the quickest?
disable-stacking on master
update firmware on switch 4
enable stacking on master
will i lose my config? not a hudge deal, i presume i can just scp into the switch and save the config and put it back afterwards?
i presume i do have to disable stacking, cause i can't even login using the safe admin account as it doesn't see the AAA authentication from the master.
(sorry if it doesn't make sense, v.tired v.noisy machine room)
(from conrad_jones)