One of our senior engineers was doing troubleshooting in the lab. Results below:
As you could see from our tests in your lab , the other phones tested with ELRP operated as expected as does a direct cable loop ( using Loop vlan with all ports tagged ).
It is only the old phones 4422 that present this unexpected behaviour.
As we have already discussed ELRP uses a Multicast packet.. It would appear that the version of phone at your site , block these packets.
So we have basically 2 answers from an Extreme hardware point of view:
The 4422 version of phone are being replaced, if so you could priorities those units that are connected to Extreme edge switches .
Configure a basic STP configuration which as demonstrated will block the port ( led still active ) when a loop is detected .
SH STPD S0 detail , active port will be forwarding , other (looped ) port is shown as Blocked.
Thank you all for your input on this,