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Assign static ip address with MAC on Extreme Summit X440

Assign static ip address with MAC on Extreme Summit X440

New Contributor II
I have define the dynamic IP range of DHCP on Summit X440.
How can I do to assign static IP address with some MAC address?

Please help me, thanks~

Valued Contributor III
Hi Shunze,
Keep in mind that MAC addresses can be easily be spoofed and used with the VIP's IP address when the VIP is away. I wouldn't recommend using this method for firewall security rules.
With that, the current DHCP implementation in EXOS does not have options for DHCP reservations.


Valued Contributor
you can assign address statically on boss PC/laptop )

New Contributor II
We have DHCP asign random IP for normal users.
But with some VIP usrs (such as my boss), we want to assing a static IP.
Then we can control the normal and VIP users with different rules on firewall.

So I need to know how to assign static IP for the VIP's mac address,
and add the record in X440 switch.

Valued Contributor
Hi, Shunze!

Can you tell what reason for this task?
Whatever you can see MAC - show fdb, abd then see IP on this MAC - show iparp